Thursday, April 25, 2013

Class Dojo rewards

I have added some new class dojo rewards. Remember everyone earns one dojo point for each day they do not move a card. Every 10 points earns a reward!

Class Dojo Rewards

1. Write with a fun pen
2. Sit with a friend
3. No shoes in the room for a day
4. Lunch VIP
5. Sit at the teacher’s desk
6. No morning work for a day
7. No homework – ONE NIGHT (you choose the night)
8. Free computer pass
9. Wear a hat in class for a day
10. Show and tell
11. No AR for a day
12. Buy a special reading spot for a week
13. Stuffed animal on your desk for a day
14. Special drink (not water) in the room for a day (you bring it from home)
15. Give the spelling test (you won’t have to take it!)
16. trip the treasure chest
17. read to the class
18. Class helper for a day
19. play dough ticket
20. fun center ticket

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Belated Easter Pics

On your mark...
Get set...

Celebrating Easter with Cascarones. Thanks Zander!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Class Plate Auction

Who wouldn't want to remember their child's second grade year!? You can own a piece of this year if you're the highest bidder! Please come out and support our PTO and classroom by bidding on our classroom plate. This plate is from The Paintin' Place in Bowling Green. Each student placed their fingerprint on this plate and their initials are written beside it. Our plate features a classic American Flag theme. Fundraisers here at ACPC often benefit our school as a whole -- this one however benefits our classroom. ALL PROFITS go to our classroom for needed supplies!

Come out and bid!
Where: ACPC Gym

When: April 30th PTO Meeting (you can also vote for Site Based Members for the 2013-14 school year at this time) @ 5:30

Why: To benefit our class