Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

After the tables have been wiped down and the floor swept, it fees a little lonely after having so much fun at our Halloween party. We made our own light-up jack-o-lanterns, drank vampire blood punch, made dirt pudding, and wrap each other up like mummies. 
Thank you to everyone who helped make this year's party a success.


Racing to wrap up our mummy friends.


Happy Halloween from Mrs. Powell's second grade

Fire Prevention

October is National Fire Prevention Month. Last week we had a visit from Scottsville's Fire Department and Rescue Squad. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Parent/Teacher Conferences

I will be available for conferences Tomorrow (Monday Oct. 21) 3:00-6:00 and Tuesday 4:00-6:00.
I will be seeing everyone on a first come, first served basis in 15 minute increments. I ask that you sign in as you arrive and wait in the chairs provided for your turn. I look forward to speaking with everyone about the great things we are doing this year in our class. 

We Won!

Thank you for all of your hard work on the SmartCard sales. Our class won first place! We sold the most SmartCards out of everyone in the school. Not only did we receive a Walmart Gift Card for our classroom, we also had VIP seats for the Magic Show last week.

 Summer and Andi even got to help out Mr. Dinky in his show.

Summer match the color cards using her AMAZING mind powers. 

Our next selling project is underway! This just happens to be one of my favorites!
Little Caesars Pizza Kits are for sale now to help us raise funds to renew the old playground in the back of the school. These kits are GREAT to keep on hand at home for a quick, easy and fun lunch or dinner. It will taste even better knowing you're helping out the school.
PLUS the classroom that sells the most gets a PIZZA PARTY!