I'm sure you've all asked this question, or maybe "What is it they do all day?" or "What is my child learning in that room?" Your wait is over! We have been so busy I did not think about scheduling time to blog about it, oops. After a somewhat rough start, we have started so many things in our little classroom community. In fact, that's what we have been and are still working on.
We started by outlawing the word can't. Instead we talked about always using the word try.
We have begun our Reader's Workshop. The students are really in charge of their learning during this time. They started off great with sharing their learning and tracking their thinking as they read. I haven't heard one can't!
Although we might not be able to read all the words, we discussed how there are other ways to enjoy books. |
When we find a book we really enjoy and want to recommend to others, students are invited to put the title on the chart. |
Schema seems like such a big word for first grade but I bet they can tell you what it is. Schema helps us to make connections to books and better understand what we are reading.
Just like runners, we have to build up our stamina as readers. Our goal for this week is 15 minutes. We are so close. We are at 14 minutes on Thursday. |
Everyone wants to go to the "I Spy" center and look for things in the tube. right now we are working on telling the beginning sound of the things we find. Writing words on the dry erase boards is also a favorite center activity. |