Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We Voted!

Last week ACPC held a presidential debate featuring Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. We are lucky enough to have Barack in our pod. Elijah is a student in Mrs. Blevin's class. Barack (Elijah) spoke to the student body at morning meeting on Friday promising yummier healthy lunch options if re-elected. 

Yesterday we were able to cast our votes on real ballots. Students cast their votes and fed their ballots into the scanner that Mrs. Sarah Constant brought to school. 
The winner of the Presidential Election at ACPC...
The Ballot
Mitt Romney
Is this a accurate predictor for the real election? I guess we'll see.

10 Point Club additions

Braden, Baylee, and Mary-Grace have earned 10 points in Accelerated Reader
Way to Go!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Compare and Contrast

Today we learned about comparing and contrasting with Skittles and M&Ms. We wrote our findings on a Venn Diagram and then ate all of the evidence,

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fire Prevention

Last week we had the Fire Department visit for Fire Prevention week. The students learned what to expect if a fireman would need to come to your house for rescue.

Everyone also got a good laugh when Mrs. Pedigo dressed in the fire fighting gear.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Math Fun!

Fishing for math facts 
Playing doubles and doubles plus one Go Fish

Addition Quizmo!

Star Students

This weeks Star Student is Joshua Hatcher!

Last week on October 16 was Jessica Moore.

So far this year our list of Star Students is 

Emily Strode, Dakota Davis, Mia Williams, Will Pitchford, Mary-Grace Farley, 
Jaxon Baldwin, and Jasmine Perry

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Great Start Back!

I'm not sure how excited the kids are to be back in school but they sure made a good showing yesterday. No one pulled any cards AND we earned extra recess by getting 2 compliments yesterday! Everyone had lots of good stories to share about fall break. I can't say I was happy about having to get up in the morning but the kids made it worth it.