Tuesday, January 29, 2013

M&M Math!

More fun with M&Ms in 2nd Grade!
In our study of bar graphs and pictographs we sorted, grouped and graphed one of our favorite colorful candies. students chose between a bar graph or a pictograph to represent their candy, but the most fun of all was of course EATING THEM!
Jaxon and Braiden read the directions carefully
Baylee and Zander count each group and add them together.

Summer and Josh work together to count the groups
Dakota creates a graph with the actual candies!
How creative!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Quarterly Assessment in behind us!

Today we took the last section of our quarterly assessment. Each quarter we assess in reading and math over the units we have studied so far. The math is divided into two sections a calculator and non-calculator part. This assessment gives the teachers a god picture of how the students are retaining the information in each unit and also gives the students good practice for the state test they will take at the end of third grade. I felt that the students took this test much more serious than last quarter's and they continue to become better test takers. I am very impressed with the effort put forth this last week. Way to go 2nd grade!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Back in the Swing

After the craziness of the holidays we are back into routine and working toward 3rd Grade!
We have been busy in the weeks since The start of the new semester.
Yesterday was the 100th day of
School. Teachers made a 100 on the floor during morning meeting to celebrate!

You never know what your going to learn here at ACPC! We began learning about verbs this week, specifically angry ones. Not really...but we did watch the actions of some Angry Birds and make sentences using the action verbs we saw.
We love the new listening station!

Back to work in our Word  Work station!