Monday, September 9, 2013

Sailing our Ships

Louisa May Alcott Quote
I tell the students that our motto for each day is "Be Better" In whatever we do I want them to always try to be better than they were before. Better than the year before, better than the day before, and even better than the minute before. As we all learn to live by this motto,it is important to understand that it is not how fast we are moving but that we are moving forward. I chose the quote about the ship to remind us that as long as we are moving, we will eventually get there but a ship that does not sail will eventually sink. 
I am so proud of the work the class has done so far. 
Getting "hands on" with expanded form

First you think about the 3 digit number
find the number on your cups
move each number out to see the value

And that's expanded form!
Sparkle! winners from Friday
2 time champion Madison!
runner-up Brantley